Wananavu Kadavu is a 501(c)(3) EIN=27-1533265

Help Bring Fresh Water to Rural Fiji. Donate Today!

Support Upcoming Projects...

On the Fiji Islands

These projects will bring potable water to, health clinics, schools and rural villages.

All donations go directly to purchase of needed project materials including water tanks, water filters, valves, pipe, etc.

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We would like to thank...


Holladay Rotary of Utah USA

District 5420




 Roads Capital, LLC












Bruce & Carolyn Summerhays

 Lynn & Ann Summerhays

 Joseph & Michelle Summerhays


George & Natalie Waddoups 

One Village at a time... by Serena Martineau

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Entries in "Ben Sorensen" (6)


The work, the water, the families...


Commissioner Lieutenant-Colonel Netani Rika on Wananavu Kadavu

Statement by Commissioner Lieutenant-Colonel Netani Rika. Commissioner Eastern Division, Republic of Fiji. Regarding Wananavu Kadavu, Inc. & their Project Manager, Ben Sorensen.

We at Wananavu Kadavu want to thank our project manager Ben Sorensen on his hard work and dedication to our water projects in rural communities in Fiji.

We are grateful for the support we receive from the Fiji Government and all other who supported us from the conception of Wananavu Kadavu-Water for Fiji in 2009. 

One village at a time...


The need for safe drinking water...

Netani Rika netani.rika@govnet.gov.fj June 21
to Wananavu Kadavu


I met Ben this morning and he is a very enthusiastic young man who is
very committed to his projects. We are making arrangement to have a
media coverage on Monday and to include Ben in it. It is a way of
informing the public of what the Wananavu Kadavu has been doing in Fiji
ever since it's inception in Fiji.

I also take this opportunity to convey to you our gratitude for the
amount of assistance you have provided in Kadavu so far. Please convey
this gratitude to your organization and your families as well. We look
forward to working closely with you from now on.

Thank you & God Bless.

NB Rika
Commissioner Eastern Division.


 Wananavu Kadavu appreciates the support of Lt. Col. Netani Rika, the Fiji Government and all those who have supported our efforts to bring safe drinking water to rural villages on Kadavu Island, Fiji




One drop, one ocean, one world... together we can make it happen.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

-Ryunosuke Satoro


"YOU" are making it happen...

Our project manager, Ben Sorensen uploaded some photos of  the Navuatu water project we are doing in Fiji.  Please forgive me for making this personal, but Wananavu Kadavu is very personal to me and my family.

Ben Sorensen is my oldest son and I just want you to know how proud I am of him and the work he is doing in Fiji. Little did I know a trip to Fiji would change our lives forever.

Ok, so I'm his mom but that doesn't stop it from being something great. He has invested in Wananavu Kadavu and the people of Fiji. The crew of our 2 projects to date have become family, he lives with them and works with them. So Ben, kudos to you. From now on when I hear "pay it forward" I'll think of Ben, the people who work shoulder to shoulder with you and all those who have believed in us. How easy it would have been to return home to Utah never to look back...  the journey we would have missed.

As I've been looking at his photos of our Navuatu crew, I cried. I'm so proud of Ben, so proud of the work he is doing. He didn't do it alone, our family didn't do it alone, there is no "I" in doing something like this it's "WE". People from all around the world are making it happen, a stranger on a plane, old friends, new friends this wouldn't be happening without "YOU", so vinaka vakalevu, danke schon, merci beaucoup, arigato gozaimasu, obrigada, muchas gracias and thank you thank you thank you!!

Ben and Scott made the decision to stay in Fiji to do this work, we said we'd do our best to make it happen and in the end "YOU" made it happen, together we can make big changes to make our world a better place for all to live.

Every person who has helped make this happen is "Wananavu Kadavu", wananavu means everything is set, that being said we can continue working...

One village at a time, together we can...