The need for safe drinking water...
Friday, July 6, 2012 at 12:32PM
Nancy Thompson Mahler in "Active Care", "Ben Sorensen", "Clean Water", "Commissioner Eastern Division", "Fiji Times", "Netani Rika", "Wananavu Kadavu", 'Fiji Sun", Fiji, Kadavu, Media, One Village at a Time, Tanks, The Water Needs in Fiji, Water
Netani Rika June 21
to Wananavu Kadavu


I met Ben this morning and he is a very enthusiastic young man who is
very committed to his projects. We are making arrangement to have a
media coverage on Monday and to include Ben in it. It is a way of
informing the public of what the Wananavu Kadavu has been doing in Fiji
ever since it's inception in Fiji.

I also take this opportunity to convey to you our gratitude for the
amount of assistance you have provided in Kadavu so far. Please convey
this gratitude to your organization and your families as well. We look
forward to working closely with you from now on.

Thank you & God Bless.

NB Rika
Commissioner Eastern Division.


 Wananavu Kadavu appreciates the support of Lt. Col. Netani Rika, the Fiji Government and all those who have supported our efforts to bring safe drinking water to rural villages on Kadavu Island, Fiji


Article originally appeared on Water for Fiji - Wananavu Kadavu (
See website for complete article licensing information.