2nd Annual Wananavu Kadavu Golf Tournament

2nd Annual Wananavu Kadavu Golf Tournament
Monday, August 1, 2011
Valley View Golf Course - Layton Utah
4 man scramble
7am sign, 8am tee off
$85 per person including green fees, cart and lunch
Contact: Nancy Thompson Mahler
mobile 801-891-7714
Kim Kohler
VIP Trip to the Masters 2012
Million Dollar Hole in One
& more...
Richard Nelson winner of the VIP TRIP to THE MASTERS 2011
I understand it took a couple of weeks before his smile started to fade.
Helping to bring clean water to rural villages in Fiji
One village at a time, together we can...
more information to follow...
1st Annual Wananavu Kadavu Golf Tournament

Richard Nelson & Company
took home most of the loot
including a trip to
The Masters 2011
A shot for a
Million Dollar
Hole in One
This year it could be you

All this fun provided over 3000 people with clean water
Nuku Settlement
Navuatu/Drue Villages

Nuku Crew
Kavala Bay Health Centre
Kadavu Island, Fiji

Kavala Bay Crew

Vinaka vakalevu (big thank you very much) to our golfers from the
families who have received
clean drinking water
With your continued support we can
keep moving forward in our efforts
to bring clean drinking water to all
those without

Sign up today
One village at a time, together we can...