Wananavu Kadavu is a 501(c)(3) EIN=27-1533265

Help Bring Fresh Water to Rural Fiji. Donate Today!

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On the Fiji Islands

These projects will bring potable water to, health clinics, schools and rural villages.

All donations go directly to purchase of needed project materials including water tanks, water filters, valves, pipe, etc.

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We would like to thank...


Holladay Rotary of Utah USA

District 5420




 Roads Capital, LLC












Bruce & Carolyn Summerhays

 Lynn & Ann Summerhays

 Joseph & Michelle Summerhays


George & Natalie Waddoups 

One Village at a time... by Serena Martineau

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Fiji News

Entries in "Natural Disaster" (1)


Store water for the natural disasters that will come...

A state of natural disaster has been called for western Fiji following flooding in which at least three people are missing 2 have died and 8000 have been forced into evacuation centres.

Power was cut on the main island of Viti Levu. Incoming flights to Nadi were stopped last night and scheduled flights out of Nadi to Auckland, Melbourne and Honolulu cancelled do to bad weather.

People are urged to save water, this unsettled weather is expected for the next couple of weeks.






Our prayers and thoughts are with the people of Fiji in this time of need.

One village at a time...