Wananavu Kadavu is a 501(c)(3) EIN=27-1533265

Help Bring Fresh Water to Rural Fiji. Donate Today!

Support Upcoming Projects...

On the Fiji Islands

These projects will bring potable water to, health clinics, schools and rural villages.

All donations go directly to purchase of needed project materials including water tanks, water filters, valves, pipe, etc.

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We would like to thank...


Holladay Rotary of Utah USA

District 5420




 Roads Capital, LLC












Bruce & Carolyn Summerhays

 Lynn & Ann Summerhays

 Joseph & Michelle Summerhays


George & Natalie Waddoups 

One Village at a time... by Serena Martineau

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Entries in "Kadavu Island" (2)


Google Map of our projects in Fiji on the Island of Kadavu

Kadavu, Fiji Islands

The Fiji Islands


Here is a Google Map of our projects on Kadavu Island, Fiji. Our first project was the Nuku Settlement. This project had been started before we arrived, they had run out of resources. When we were asked to complete it we jumped on the chance. We had great support on this project. The men and women of the village worked together to make it possible. The men worked with our project manager, Ben Sorensen while the women kept them fed.

The Navuatu Village and the people are very special to us. The Cula families housed and fed our Ben, even took care of board members on a visit in 2010. This was our second project, here we added two Rotomould water tanks, each 5000 Litres. What was to be a library in this small village turned into Wananavu Kadavu-Fresh Water for Fiji.

The Kavala Health Clinic & Naleca Post Office is our biggest project to date. Our third project on the Island of Kadavu. This project will serve 1/3 of the island, over 3000 people. On this project our project manager is being housed by the Fiji Government near the health clinic. Three Villages rotate to work on this project, it's been nice to have so much support.

The weather can hold up work, getting needed supplies and fuel. Ben says it's been a pleasrue working with these thrree villages, its amazing what can be done when everyone works together.

Our project manager, has been unable to upload photos. In a couple of weeks he will have access to the internet so we can show the work being done.

We'd like to thank the Fiji Government, Health Department of Fiji, Holladay Rotary of Utah USA, the North Suva Rotary Club.  All the support we've received from the villages. Our dedicated and talented board member and advisory board members. With their support and the sponsors and donations from around the world this would not be possible. So, thank you very much, we're looking forward to many more projects in the future.

If you'd like to be apart of future projects we accept donations through PayPal.



One village at a time, together we can...



Tis the season...

Tis the season many of us think about charitable giving. Our work in Fiji is bringing fresh spring water to the families on the island of Kadavu. Whether you are celebrating the holiday spirit or just looking to paying it forward, you can make a difference in the lives of many.

With every donation of $100 or more you will receive a "Wananavu Kadavu~T-Shirt" while supplies last (free shipping within the US).

One village at a time, together we can...